Darren's Day

Today all led up to Darren's memorial. We were really fortunate that the wind died down and the police didn't show up. We had 15 people which is the ok amount for funerals at the moment. It was a beautiful time - unlike any other memorial I've been to...in part because a lot of beer was drunk throughout and one guy lit his spliff from one of the memorial candles! Also one lady, in the middle of everything, suddenly asked everyone if they'd like a sandwich, ha! But people shared from their hearts and it was clear Darren was loved by us all. I took some pics to send to his mom in Wales. Everyone hung around a long time afterwards, looking at his photo and sharing memories. 
Asha came out of school having not had a great day, Nate was emotional, and Danny and I felt a bit spent, so we took baguette and cheese to a watchtower and sat and watched the wild waves as we ate all lost in our own thoughts. It was just what each of us needed. 
Danny was in prison this afternoon, and as soon as he was back I was out with Claire (which was lovely). 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The privilege of leading this memorial and the honour of sharing this time with these folks.
2) Sitting watching wild waves with the family.
3) Having no trouble from the police today.

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