Signed, sealed, (almost) delivered

A morning spent with friends on the street, talking about Darren, buying food for people, giving sleeping bags away, ordering flowers, getting things ready for tomorrow's memorial. 
The kids wrote cards for grandparents and great-grandparents today, they enjoyed going to the Tabac to buy stamps and then posting them (I've badly blotted out addresses!). We went on a very blustery walk along the Port. Blustery enough that I had visions of Asha being whipped into the sea so made her hold my hand!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Simple pleasures, like sending post.
2) Asha enjoying some school blog activities in maths this afternoon. She struggles with maths, so her enjoying activities is great for better learning. 
3) Memories of Darren, some funny, some heart-warming, some bittersweet. 

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