Surprises and Prosecco!

My sister and I have been planning a surprise trip to Birmingham to visit my parents for their birthdays! I left Ibiza early early this morning and flew via Alicante. It was jam packed full of travellers! My sister collected me from the airport - so so great to see her! Then straight to my parents house - huge surprise, some shrieking and some tears, ha! And all witnessed by friend and blipper Biddy and husband who happened to be dropping cards to mom and dad's.
We'd already arranged with Mishkid to take photos of us...Covid nearly scuppered our plans, but Deb was brilliant and stood at her back gate and took pics of us...we absolutely love them and had a lot of fun!! We came home with 4 bottles of Prosecco that aA had left for us - thank you!!

Such a wonderful and memorable day! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny being willing to single parent for a few days 
2) Smooth travel.
3) The joy of being back together as a 4...& Deb getting such great pics of us! X

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