
Today we cleaned the living room, it doesn’t happen often, because it is quite a job. It is not the actual cleaning that is the problem, it’s the moving and sorting of all the piles of books, magazines, papers that seem to accumulate. Anyway its done now. 

I came across this which needed dusting. It is a homemade game in a big wooden box of what is known as Chinese Checkers (could be Chequers). I vaguely remember when young having a version that used marbles, but this is very different. I don’t know who made it, but it was made a long time ago and has obviously been well used. It belonged to my great aunt and when I was young and visited, with parents, grandparents or on my own, ‘checkers’ always came out. I remember vividly playing with my great aunt, but I rarely used to win, she was too good. She gave it to me just before she died. 

It had been my intention of introducing this to our granddaughter when she was with us for a week’s visit in October. Sadly that didn’t happen, but one day . . . 

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