Golden rain

Totally the wrong image and title for today, as we have had no rain and not much sun. But it all seems a bit strange without our two visitors. Then I have hardly seen Gordon either - Rugby this morning and into Carlisle for football this afternoon.

We got back from Leeds very late last night, actually it was early morning, so probably I am feeling a bit tired too. What a fabulous gig though - June Tabor and Oysterband were on brilliant form, it was a mesmerising evening.

However, we did have a few issues with the venue. Leeds Town Hall might be architecturally rather splendid (over the top in order to try to outdo Bradford during those heady days when the wool trade was at its height), but the whole place inside lacks any kind of atmosphere and the seating is appalling. Uncomfortable seats and the minimum of legroom - we will not be going there again. 

Then it was pouring down as we left and we were disorientated trying to find the car park as we left the building by a different door. Then when we got to the car park we could not get out as the machines had stuck. That was not a good start to our long journey home in the dark and rain. But we made it and really the music was worth all the problems. 

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