As I walked out this morning.........

When I can’t make a choice of photograph for a blip, more than likely because I can’t find the definitive image I like, I resort to a collage.

This is my collage for the day when nothing much has happened. I took the photos as I hiked to Waitrose in Morningside for baking supplies (which were absent to a degree) before the rain started.

I liked the yellow car under the yellow leaves and the fungi against the stone wall. As for the young man with his feet off the ground, he was having a keep fit session with a trainer outside my patio door. I have to say that at 7:30 am with his hijinks he made me feel very conscious of what Covid has done to my energy levels....... not a lot.

It was a rather bleak grey wintry day broken by an experimental biscuit bake, a bread bake and a Zoom Kitchen Table meeting with Maggie’s, and now before I realise it, it’s getting dark and I am closing the blinds to shut out the dismal and wet twilight. It is 4pm and a long evening is in store, but tomorrow is another day without a total lockdown. Maybe I should be grateful for small mercies.

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