
By ayearinthelife

Laundromat Blues

This is an ex washer dryer. It has ceased to be. It sits there bereft of life and function.
But what a spectacular end! A slight juddering on the last spin cycle rapidly escalated to a cacophonous banging - think cement mixer falling down a flight of stairs - before a final series of explosive bangs signalled the end. When we dragged the wet washing out, it was covered in shards of metal and concrete, and it was obvious the drum had become detached. Moving the machine out to have a closer look, revealed those parts on the floor in the photo, which had previously been firmly attached to it!
About a year ago I’d spotted that the concrete weights around the drum, which provide some of the damping in the machine, had become loose and were rattling on spin cycle. I thought I’d managed to tighten them up, but two loads of washing yesterday would appear to have proven me wrong!
Good news (!) is that no water escaped so we were spared a flood. And because this machine is in our Chester flat, it’s not the end of the world if we don’t get a replacement for a little while. Which is likely to be the case as an enquiry at the local Curry’s elicited the information that they don’t have any basic (i.e. cheap!) ones in stock and no idea when they might be back in. Normally, I’d source one elsewhere and fit it myself but, as our flat is on the first floor of the block there is no way I’m going to lug a new machine up two flights of stairs and the old one down the same stairs. No, I need to find one that will be delivered all the way to the kitchen and the old machine taken away.
One last positive to pull out of this disaster, is that we needed to remove the washer at some point in order to have a new sink installed. Tick, job done!

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