
It’s me again, Ruby. Here to tell you the tales (or should that be tails?) of day 2 of my holiday.

Daddy got up about 7 and was really pleased that I had been a good girl all night.

Those Hoomans had a leisurely breakfast before all taking me on a nice long walk along the Oxford Canal. The day was dry, cloudy but very mild. When we got back to the cottage the hoomans had tea and cake whilst I had a snooze and then we all went in daddy’s car to Banbury as J & S needed a post office. Whilst J & S went into the mall, daddy, mummy and I walked around the square. J came out and told mummy they had a Christmas shop that they needed to visit. So I went off with the boy hoomans to the pub ( daddy said afterwards that he didn’t fancy a drink and would have been happier walking around but S is not a walker) whilst mummy and J went to the shops. The ladies were not too long and had bought a couple of bits. We then headed home where I snoozed and mummy made a delicious chicken and leek pie dinner all courtesy of Messrs M&S ;-))

I spent the evening snoozing whilst the hoomans enjoyed a game of cards before heading off to bed about 10ish (they said they are getting old and can’t stay up very late anymore).

Oh, and the sheep were in the field as I looked over the garden wall.

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