Something in the air

A rainbow is created by the refraction (or distortion) of sunlight through water droplets in the air.

A bit of a milestone today. Life is full of weird milestones at present.

We haven’t been to a shop since March, moving wholly online. I would not have thought it possible.

But this week J’s much loved watch stopped working. Replacing a battery requires a specialist and means a shop. So she rang K at Timpson at our local Mall to find out when the quietest time would be. She was worried, but at 8.30am I was there. Very few people around and it all felt very safe.

Timpson is a retailer I like. The company has a policy of employing ex offenders - 10% of its workforce - and its employment practices are exemplary. It deserves to come through this crisis, and I guess it’s services put it in a strong position.

The rainbow greeted my arrival.

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