Red Squirrel


A Beautiful End To A Beautiful Day.

Wow, today's been really spring-like! Lots of sun and so mild - I spent about an hour this afternoon bringing a week's supply of logs up to the house, splitting some really large ones and chopping some down for kindling - and all I needed was jeans and a warm lumberjack shirt. It was so nice not to need a thick jacket on too.
Then the day ended with a lovely sunset - so I had to blip it.


Once again I stood for about 20 minutes taking shots of its progress.
This is how it looked from start to finish.

Ferret Tales Finale: What a dramatic one it is!
I'd told my neighbours K & H about Mr. Ferret the other day before the RSPCA made their abortive visit. This morning whilst I was still in bed the phone rang (luckily I have one beside the bed). It was K. Did the RSPCA take the ferret OK? No, he broke out of the picnic basket and legged it. I haven't seen him since that night. Ah, thought so - I know where he is - it's not good.
Oh, I guess he's been on the road and run over? Errm, no - we've just had a distraught visit from C. (their other neighbour) He's in her hen house - and he's killed her 2 hens and is having one as a meal right now. Oh hell!
I'm just going round to sort it out. Do you have anything suitable I can put him in? Yep, I managed to locate a ferret rescue chap in town - he's loaned me a suitable carrier in case I can catch him again, then he'll come and take him away. OK - see you later. Wish me luck. I got up and dressed very quickly and fetched the container. About 15 minutes later K called round mine with Mr. Ferret cradled happily in his arms. K thinks he's lovely! After all, Mr. Ferret was obviously starving hungry and getting what food he could. It's nature's way. Into the container went Mr. Ferret, looking quite content and well fed - although in the intervening couple of days he'd picked up a couple of big ticks, one behind his neck the other behind his ear. I called the ferret rescue chap, who arrived soon after to collect him. The ticks he said are no problem - he's quite used to dealing with them on working ferrets. He's confirmed that the little chap is quite young, is a Polecat ferret and is a real beauty - he reckons his wife will fall in love on sight! Mr. Ferret will be off to the vet on Monday to be scanned for a microchip. If no owner can be located he'll probably end up being kept by the chap and, since he's so docile and friendly, will live indoors with 4 others they have there. He's going to ring me and let me know Mr. Ferret's future.
It would be nice to be able to say 'They all lived happily ever after' - sadly for C's poor hens that's not the case, nor for C who's understandably tearful over their loss as they were named pets as well as egg layers, and she'd had them for about 4 years. Mr. Ferret hopefully WILL live happily, although I feel he's had a narrow escape - C went to K & H because her husband M was at work. M has a licensed shotgun - I suspect if he'd been at home Mr. Ferret WOULDN'T have lived, happily or otherwise ... I'm so relieved he will!

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