Red Squirrel


Reflecting ....

... is something I reckon we all do at times, on life and its various facets, the good and the not-so-good. Nature does it best though ....


After yesterday's long, tiring working day today has been a blessing. My usual weekly school this morning and covering another of my unwell colleague's schools in the afternoon - this one just 6 miles from home. Out at 8:45 and home by 10 past 5. A total of just 26 miles, and 3 hours less than yesterday. And it's Friday at last! Phew ....

I stopped off in Bawburgh at lunch time. The river's still really high. I loved the pollarded tree stuck out in the water, with its reflection clear and distinct, and backed by the pretty 3 arch brick bridge, also reflected.

Another blip contender was these reflecting trees on the opposite bank, their bases also submerged, with the same pollarded tree in the foreground.

Mr Ferret Update: There is no update - no sign of him again tonight. Maybe tomorrow ... I hope so ......

Wishing Blipland a great weekend xx

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