Parcel Delight

Let it rain! It matters not a jot when good things happen in your day.
I had an impromptu coffee meeting first thing with a Merry Widow when next year’s trip to Ottoline Cottage in Northumberland was booked. Who dares to say that with 3 octogenarians in the mix, we are trifling with fate -‘Man proposes, God disposes’ and all that jazz . After the year we’ve had it is something to look forward to.

When the postie came a-calling at lunch time he brought a lovely letter from Nina ( bless this child!) thanking me for the birthday money and a book I’d sent her and a parcel of goodies from her and little bro Ewan although I have to say it had all the hallmarks of Glasgow daughter’s thoughtfulness about it. It was a delightful thing to get on a day of complete weather hopelessness.

I have spent most of the day holed up in His Lordship’s study which has the advantage of being the one warm room in the house with only one window and of course the famous Door which acts as a barrier not only to people but to draughts.

I left it only once this afternoon to get my flu jab at the local chemist, the chemist where wait outside of a morning the methadone jakies and their dogs on a string. However it felt very clinical and safe as the pharmacist stabbed my arm with tremendous enthusiasm and the vaccine. I was allowed to leave after listening to all the side effects I might experience. I never hear them from the doctor when he does the injection.

And still it rains and rains. I’m thinking to have a G&T at 4 pm if I can last that long...... oh, then there are the chocolate discs from the parcel which could do with being eaten- they won’t last.

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