Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Monday — San Luis Obispo

On this last Monday morning in September, we woke-up to fog. The weather here is often “3 days and it changes,” so we’re hoping that Wednesday morning, if not sooner, the sun will appear.

So at 8:00 I encouraged Mr. Fun to head to the beach for a morning walk; I didn’t feel like going out into the moisture and I really just needed the time alone. Since I have retired in June (and he retired 6+ years ago), we don’t get much time alone and he’s a chatterbox. Today when I woke-up, I just needed quiet. So the hour he was gone walking was helpful for me.

In the afternoon we put the pups in the car and decided to go looking for sunshine. Finding sunshine is easy; we just drive south 4 miles to Morro Bay and follow Hwy #1 one mile east and the clouds, overcast, and/or fog are gone. So we stayed on the highway to drive the 10 or so miles east into San Luis Obispo and headed for Emerson Park to walk. The photos are from that location.

A community garden is at one corner of the park and I always manage to find flowers to photograph. I did see a few pumpkin plants and several plots had ripening tomatoes. Looking at all that always makes me think I ought to grow something on the lot of land next to our little coast house, and maybe someday I will. A number of years ago at the end of one summer, I did plant a section of that lot, but then we headed south so I could get back to the classroom and nothing grew because, duh, there was no one to water. I need to add a timer and some drip hoses if I ever do that again — and I might do it. The beautiful gabled church is across the street from the community garden.

At the end of the afternoon and our little field trip, we came back to the coast, which was thoroughly fogged-in and cold (it felt like Christmas), so I turned-on some Lauren Daigle Christmas music and we prepared dinner.

From Cayucos on
California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too

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