
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Today has been a bit of a washout. The promised "weather-bomb" arrived overnight. 

Actually, it hasn't been so bad. Lashing rain and high winds. But nothing has come loose or flooded thus far. 

(I'm speaking about the house; not about me. And don't be so cheeky).

But it was wet and windy enough that when I opened the back door for the boys this morning, both of them scuttled backwards. 

Nope nope nope nope nope.

Jasper retired to the couch for naps. Punky found a bag. They have both stepped outside briefly, during short breaks in the bomb, but for the most part they do not care for the wind.

As for me I had a pretty bad headache over lunchtime. I had to go back to bed to try and sleep it off. I'm still feeling quite tender now. 

On the plus side, the new episode of the podcast is out. My listener-numbers are still ridiculously low. But raising my morale is the fact that the few listeners I have seem to really like it a lot. Occasionally, I'll note someone new has found it, and they zip through all 17 episodes within a couple of days.

That always makes me happy.


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