The Joy of Angus

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Tiger and Loulou came to take us out today!

For coffee and cake at a garden centre. I was quite enthusiastic about it.

I am officially old.  

The thing is, I always know the chat will be good with those two. And also we are expecting a "weather bomb" to explode over NZ today, with wild winds and lashing rain, so it seemed like a good way to get out and about before the storm hits.

And indeed, the chat started out well. Tiger has just started a new job and surprisingly, the new organisation has THREE men named "Angus" working there. 

"Well, we only call two of them 'Angus'," he clarified. "The third has a nickname on account of he emailed everyone on our floor but mis-spelled his own name. He missed out the 'G'."

He let that sink in. 

So now he is affectionately known as "Bumhole". The poor man. I doubt he'll live that down without leaving the company. And changing his name. And moving to another country. 

"I've done something like that," admitted Caro. "I once emailed a doctor and told him my name was 'Carp'."

Speaking of nicknames, Feefs is in Taihape* at the moment, for a fixture with her Roller Derby team. She sent Caro a picture of the ancient pink bathroom at the team's accommodation. 

"Look at the state of this," read her accompanying text. "It's like pissing in the 1970's."

"And the door doesn't lock and I'm sharing with three other team members," she went on. "My bumhole has gone on strike."

This reminded me of the Princess's blip entry.

In the end, Feefs had to give in, despite her discomfort. "I've shitted," she texted. "But because of the circumstances it was a smudger."

So we have decided her new nickname is "Smudge".

Tiger, meanwhile, went on to say that he'd organised a phone call with someone at the new company called, "Joy". But unfortunately there are two Joys at his new employer as well. 

"I was talking to her for ten minutes before I realised I was speaking to the wrong one," he said.

"Did you tell her you were one of the Anguses?" I asked. 

"Joy and Anus," repeated Loulou. "The Joy of Anus," she added. "It sounds like a 1970's sex manual, doesn't it?"

And, with that, we went to look at the magnolia trees and the lilly pillies.


* The locals pronounce it, "Tie-happy".

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