Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Accommodation to WET!!!!

I'm not convinced that the accommodation offered in this prize is to my taste..... staying in Loch Ness..... no thanks! The ad appeared this evening during an excellent programme presented by Susan Calman about Scotland. I think it was on Channel 5. We both thoroughly enjoyed her light touch.
Busy day today, managed to get a good number of steps in after two trips to the post office. My knee seems OK when I keep it moving which is good news.
We had an electrician round today to remove a light bulb from inside the oven. One of those annoying things when the glass bulb comes away and leaves the metal fitting behind. I'd had a go with several previously tried and tested methods including my long nosed pliers and a potato!!! to no avail and to my disgust I had to call an electrician. I think he was impressed when I had the mains already off and the drop front door of the oven removed in advance of his arrival. Anyway, his 'special electricians long nosed pliers' did the job in 5 seconds to my disgust! Actually his pliers looked exactly the same as mine he just attacked the holder with more conviction I think. The lovely man didn't charge me, so we'll make sure to call him next time when we have a proper job for him.
I had a Zoom meeting this evening, prior to the Cursillo AGM next week, just to make sure everything is in place. I feel we've got a good team together in spite of the difficult circumstances and we are moving forward as a team, which is great.
We had a take away from the Loon Fung tonight, delicious, nothing wrong with my sense of smell or taste I'm glad to report.

Keep well everybody and keep each other safe. It's just hitting home that it's the weekend and I'm not going to be able to spend time with my daughters. Maybe we could go for an outdoor coffee somewhere. Katy is working nights so a tough weekend for her when the children are at home during the day. Hopefully they'll be able to spend some time here to allow her to sleep.

Steps today 11590

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