Group activity time!
Saturday today. I popped out to the shops quickly this morning before J brought the girls for a few hours. K is on nights this week so the girls came here from 1-4 to let her get some sleep in a quiet house.
It was sunny when he arrived at 4 to pick them up again so he stayed and had a coffee in the garden. One thing led to another and before he knew it, he and Isobel were trying out the skilts and Eilidh was on the first stage pair of the Andrews' family stilts. My dad made a pair each for us in the '60s as well as this set which was the beginner set. I used to be able to run on mine, which had blocks about 18" off the ground. I could climb steps and step over walls too. I used to love them. These are the beginner's set and Eilidh was delighted when I dug them out of the back of the garage. I was amazed how quickly she picked it up, she's managing four or five steps already, another couple of practices and she'll be off! I have the other three pairs too when she's ready for them. When she heard they were mine, she wanted me to demonstrate to her, but I don't fancy putting the 60 year old wood and bolts to the test!!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I did have a go on the skilts though! The orange ones belonged to their mum so there were three generations of stilts in use today!
In another life I got all the Cursillo AGM papers sent out along with the Zoom information so that's another tick on the list.
Tough times for students just now. I do feel for them especially the first years who are probably away from home for the first time and in a strange place. Lonely and frightened. Not a good start to adult life.
Keep safe everybody
Steps today 6400
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