Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Front of house

Dylan likes to sit out front occasionally, on a lead and under supervision. It was another beautiful day and The Dizzle had taken the car, so I pretended our unoccupied front drive was a shingle beach and got out a comfy recliner so that we could sit in the sun together.

I had earned a rest by then as we had worked steadily through The List all morning. You know The List. Some people have them in their heads but we write ours down when we are in bed and work through it. Today it was stuff like clean out the fridge, install the new lights, change the sheets and write another meme about the hapless Boris (see extra). 

In the afternoon we walked up to Heather Farm for coffee. The walk was great, the coffee not so much. 

What with all the domestics and walking I racked up thirteen and a half thousand steps today according to my new Garmin watch, a birthday present from TSM. 

Watched On The Basis Of Sex tonight, which I really enjoyed although I didn’t feel it quite hit the mark in dramatic terms. Ruth Bader Ginsberg has a cameo in her own biopic at the end.

TSM is getting annoyed with the cranefly invasion which happens every year in late summer but this year seems more pronounced than usual. Personally I think they are proof that we are living in The Matrix. I don’t see how either god or evolution could come up with such gangly fragile creatures, so they must be a glitch in the programming.

Been a great ten days. Back to work tomorrow.

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