Mono Monday, old and new..

D bought his first 1965 Riley 1.5 when he retired. He deserved a treat. It was two-tone cream and green and we loved it. Very sadly it was stolen.

The only consolation was to look for a replacement and so eventually a beautiful white one took its place. It’s been great and puts in an appearance at several classic car pageants each year. We’ve been to the Goodwood Revivals in it and dressed up in era appropriate dress. Great fun. D has an excellent mechanic and equal enthusiast who services it and maintains it.

Today the Riley has come out of the garage to pose with our new (to us) everyday car for my Mono Monday Blip, hosted by GadgetKid. Thank you! A case of Little and Large too. Well, bigger than our old much loved Passat that died.

This morning Big Sis and I walked the 5K park run route. I’ll need a few more rounds before I feel ready to join in again in October. I prefer my running routes.

D has done more wonders in the garden. I gave lots of praise....

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