Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

That rose again

It's still not Boscobel but it does have some interesting bugs. Are they some sort of weevil? There's just a couple of them but I think they may be making a meal of my aphids so I'm minded to let them be. Does anybody in blipland know what they are?
Friday today, another week gone. I started with my usual Scottish Galleries art quiz, 7 out of 10 today which is about my average. It's always been a highlight on a Friday since lockdown began.
What else..... went to pick up a P&J for m-i-l who takes it every day. Picked up a present for Isobel's fourth birthday on Tuesday. We had a lazy sandwich lunch. This afternoon I was really
tired so had a very pleasant nana nap.... I must be getting old.
I was happy to receive the outstanding reports for the AGM, this afternoon, I don't know when we last had a full set!
Another warm day today, long may it last, so I spent a wee bit of time in the garden. My beans are still doing well and the apples are great. We're having a second crop of raspberries which is always a pleasure, courgettes are still growing and I wait to see if any tomatoes are considering changing colour! I also noticed that my nerine is coming into flower, that's always a sign of Autumn.
I do hope this threat of another lockdown and tightening of regulations doesn't knock hospital appointments for six again. I've been waiting to have a BCC taken off my face since last October's biopsy. I had an appointment for 23rd March which was obviously cancelled and have just been told first week in October, so fingers crossed that will happen. I know it's not serious but I'd rather it wasn't just getting bigger.

Please take care everybody, we really don't want to go back indoors again.
Keep safe.

Steps today 5600

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