Mountain ready

Notwithstanding the complexity of true north versus magnetic north, (does it really matter?) I have acquired the basics of navigational bearings.
Our ancient map case also contained two whistles, one with an image of what looks like Desperate Dan, I vaguely remember one or both boys acquiring navigation kit from the Early Learning Centre. I am told six whistle blasts every 60 seconds for as long as you need, might if you are lucky summon help.
It is my intention to put this into practice next week when we are on Mull. I am keen to finally locate Market Bay which has been elusive on previous excursions.
A short yoga session this morning which felt less demanding than usual, and more breathing than I felt was perhaps wise. We did have generous space and good ventilation.
The cloud kit was a surprise gift from E, it will go well with the other stuff and will remind me to work out where I am before the mist descends.
Cheery video from Lorne, Magnus and Islay who are somewhere deep in Dumfries and Galloway. Islay looking very relaxed in the driving well after a supper of Kibble (sounds like cat food) and a morsel of something delicious Lorne had created from what was left in their fridge at the end of the week.

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