Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


You may remember that for my birthday I received a card from a friend which was a print of one of her paintings. It showed a bridge at Mottisfont Abbey by Romsey in Hampshire. If you take a look back, at my blip of 28th June you'll see I posted alongside it, a very special photograph which I had. The photo shows my little sister, father and step mother all of whom died in 2009, standing on that same bridge.
Today a very large parcel arrived for me containing an oil painting of the bridge which Colin had (unbeknownst to me) commissioned for me. It's beautiful and Fi had also included an extra gift for me. She has painted me a special water colour, to accompany it, of the three of them on the bridge (see extra). The oil is on our dining room wall and looks perfect. The water colour is being framed and will be in the bedroom. I feel very spoiled and thrilled to have both of them, not just as a very special present from Colin of a  place which is very special to me, but two pictures, painted  especially for me in different media by one of my oldest friends.

Today was a bit of a bitty day with moments of drama!  I went into town to pay in a cheque because trying to pay it in electronically hadn't worked. I was proud that I'd remembered the cheque only to discover at the bank that I'd forgotten my bank card!
I did some compensatory shopping in Lakeland... I can always find something to buy in Lakeland!
When I got home I realised that I didn't have my card at all and must have left it in Tesco last night, a quick trip to Corstorphine and I got it back which was a great relief.

I got home to hear that there had been dramas here, a friend had phoned to say she'd broken her wrist at Cramond and had her elderly mum with her. Colin had rushed to help and drove first to take mum back to Bonnyrigg and then the patient to the RIE. The wrist turns out not to be broken but she does have ligament damage, which is just as sore but hopefully not quite so hard to fix.

Next news was a request for prayer as a friend from church was in hospital and currently undergoing  heart surgery. Lots of prayers for her and for her husband of just one year, they are both in their 80's.

This evening we played bridge, my turn to play and we won, which was good. Then a phone call came to say that the surgery had gone well, which is a great relief but the prayer doesn't stop now as it's still a long road to recovery.

Worrying numbers today, the virus has clearly not finished with us. I'm making sure I have my mask with me at all times to keep others as safe as I can.

An achievement on Duolingo too - a 1000 day unbroken streak.

Steps today 8570, it would have been more had I walked back from town as intended, rather than rushing back on a very quiet bus to try to find my bank card!

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