Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Gormley - or gormless?

Today we met up with Fiona, one of my oldest friends, and her husband. I can say that because I'm a year older than her! We met up a tree, a lime if I remember correctly, in Haylodge Park in Peebles. I was 10 or 11 at the time and it was sometime last century. We have been friends ever since but as they now live in Wiltshire I haven't seen her for a few years. It was lovely to catch up, as if we had met yesterday!
She is a very talented artist and I have bought, or been given, several of her paintings over the years. She painted this for me last year.
We started off at Gallery One for coffee then walked along the Water of Leith towards Stockbridge. I had to head back just after we reached the Dean Bridge as I was taking Ali for an appointment. Just beyond the bridge though, as we were saying goodbye, I looked down and saw this. It looks like a full sack, balanced on a rock. I wondered if it was part of the Water of Leith clear up team's kit. At first glance though I'd thought it was an art work as there are several around, but in the end decided most likely not. Surely its not litter though it looks very carefully placed.
It was a lovely day and perfect weather for walking and chatting along a river bank in the city, enjoying the balmy (26° in the shade) temperature. I felt sorry for Fi, as a former Edinburgh, well Currie, resident she had brought clothes for our normal Autumn temperatures.

This afternoon I took Ali and Stuart to the Lauriston Building for her appointment. We were almost late, we'd given ourselves over 30 minutes to get there, but there are road works at Tollcross reducing four lanes to two. This was further exacerbated when we were there, by a police car stopped in one of the lanes. It meant that there was only one lane and that the traffic only moved when the, very brief, right turn phase was on. Still the appointment went well. I'll just make sure I don't drive that route when we are going to the hospital. There are so many roadworks and road closures in Edinburgh just now it's hard to find direct routes anywhere.
We decided on a take away curry this evening, the earlier sunset makes out of doors eating less tempting, it gets much cooler quickly, too.
It looks like our Covid figures may have begun to settle out a little, fingers crossed. Its hard to believe how high our numbers are compared to the rest of Europe.
Stay safe everybody

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