By lizzie_birkett

Rainbow on a Plate

Nothing much to report today.
We walked Bella May together this morning around the flashes (local flood area).
Frank said it would be OK to go through the field rather than walk down to the road. We were halfway across when a herd of cows came through a gate towards us. Normally I'm not scared of them but ever since a local man was killed by some cows I've been more wary. I saw a gap in a fence and did a hasty dive through it (exaggerating a bit!)
Frank turned round and said 'Where you goin'?'
He shooed the cows away and they moved on without a backward glance.
Bella joined me on the other side of the fence and we made our way to another gate. Can't be too careful!

More squares cut out.

Frank has been sorting out all his music gear today and learning how to connect everything up for busking - his next venture. He's so enthusiastic which is good to see as in lock down he's really missed the entertainment side of his music.

We felt like salad tonight so I wandered round the garden to see what I could find. There are only bits of things growing now but I found spinach, tiny rocket leaves, chives, lemon balm, nasturtium, pot marigold, tomatoes and carrot. Topped with ground linseed, sunflower and pumpkin seed and served with hummus chips. Frank had boiled eggs (he's 99% vegan!)
I had peanut butter on ryvita.
We've had a good dose of vitamins!

Time for knitting and a bit of telly.
:-) x

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