By lizzie_birkett

All Sorted

Some cheeky whippersnapper sorted my new Motorola this morning.
After I handed him the old and the new phones and told him it wouldn't download anything from my old LG nor any Apps he looked at me as if I was daft and proceeded rather cockily to 'sort it out'.
I said jokingly, to another couple of my generation in the queue
'Why don't they make phones for the older generation?'
To which the Tesco lad said 'They do, you just don't like using them'.
I said 'I got on perfectly well with the LG, it was a great phone'.
'LG are rubbish' says he.
I said, 'Me and my husband spend more time trying to sort out technology than we should in retirement.'
'Ah well, what else would you be doing?' his reply, 'anyway the reason it won't download is because you did it all wrong from the start. Tell me what you did.'
I told him I had followed the instructions on the screen like any intelligent person would do.
Mind you, I don't think it helped my cause when I put one pair of specs on over another! :-D
An hour later he had to eat his words, because it wasn't my fault - it was something to do with the phones not being compatible or something like that. He ended up having to download everything individually. HA HA!

While we were there we did a big shop - with some treats to make up for what we missed whilst poorly. When I started putting the shopping away I realised what a mess the food cupboards were in - everything stuffed in higgledy-piggeldy (Frank!) so I took everything out, gave the shelves a good clean and put everything back in the order I like. Tomorrow it will be the crockery and glasses cupboard and the drawers.
Woe betide anyone who puts things on the wrong shelf (Frank!)

Frank made us a lovely meal from the Bosh book.

What can you do with old phones?

Bed and booktime. Goodnight :-) X

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