Ninian Northern

Gales have been blowing all day, and rained all morning, heavy over lunchtime.  It finally stopped in the afternoon, and the sun came out.  Clouded over this evening. 

Back to work in the museum today, and a steady day of visitors, looking to get out of the rain.  Some walkies this evening with Sammy, and then off to work in the pub later. 

A slight detour on my way home from work, to have a look at the newest arrival to Shetland.   The Ninian Northern arrived in Shetland while I was away, an oil rig from the North Sea.  It's here to be decommissioned, the second one to arrive, first was the Buchan Alpha.  A big job ahead, hopefully a few years work for some.  Taken from Califf, Tingwall.  

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