Mam's Mootie Tree

A fine enough day, some sunny spells, a tad breezy early on, calm tonight, and dry all day.

Fine to be home, and slept longer than planned.  Big Brian and Madeline popped by this morning.  Headed down to mam's for lunch, and sister Laura was along too.  Walkies in the afternoon, and more this evening with friend Julie and Keba.  Feet up by the fire now. 

After being away south, and seeing massive trees everywhere, return home and back to our mostly treeless landscape.  Trees can grow fairly big here in sheltered areas like Lerwick or Scalloway, or sheltered valleys away from the sea, even in mam's yard they grow fine.  Sadly this peerie tree struggles away.  It gets blasted by the wind from all directions, but mostly the salt air that stunts it's growth.  It's older than me, maybe 40+ years old now, and this year is the tallest it's ever been!  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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