Vile Viking Energy Destruction

A windy day again, with more showers, and the odd sunny spell.  Drier this evening, but dull.

I've had a fairly busy day, working in the museum.  I tried the new noodle bar in town for lunch, and will certainly be back.  Met up with friend Julie and the dogs, and headed out for a walk in the hills.  Feet up by the fire now. 

Our walk this evening took us by the horrendous destruction caused by a vile company, Viking Energy.  From day one, they have lied about their plans, and still continue to do so.  103 wind turbines are to be built, at 155m high, with more companies planning on more large scale wind farms in other locations throughout Shetland.  I wouldn't be so horrified if it was a few for us, but not one megawatt will be for local use on the isles.  I saw plans a while back about electric pylons too, which we don't have any just now.  There will also be massive quarries, massive compounds and converter stations.  Along with this turbines, they have to build over 66 miles of new roads, which looks like a motorway.  This is not an easy task, Shetland's untouched wild landscapes are covered in metres of precious peat bogs, an environmental disaster.  As you can see, the diggers are making a mess already, and no where near the the bedrock, and this is no more than 2 miles in.  My heart is breaking at the destruction, and this has only been a few months, 4 more years of it to go.  It's taken me a while to pluck up the courage to actually see it for real.  Taken at Upper Kergord, Weisdale.  

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