Bridges Over da Forth

A sunny morning, with a windy, dull and rainy afternoon.  Slighty better this evening, but so cold!

Up early, and time to leave the hotel.  Headed for the airport, and headed home.  On arrival, Sammy was waiting at Sumburgh airport, and excited to see us again.  Arrived back in Scalloway, and Madeline had mince and tatties for lunch.  A quiet afternoon, I did finally get out walkies, and again tonight.  Glad to be home, and relax on my own sofa.

A grand time has been had, better than I expected, due to Covid-19 circumstances.  Fingers crossed I've kept myself safe, away from crowds, and nasty bugs.  There was a bit too much driving, and not enough walking, so some thoughts to think about before my next trip to South.  As I usually fly to Glasgow, it was a great view as we flew out this morning, and a view of all three bridges over the Firth of Forth.  Taken above Edinburgh Airport. 

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