
By zippyhippy

The Big Match!

Man oh man I am so excited to be going to the Celtic v Juventus match tomorrow night. I have to thank my colleague in the Accounts team, their friend got a ticket but now cannot go so I got offered it. Nothing beats a European night at Celtic for the noise and atmosphere, should be epic. I totally cannot wait.

I went out for a short run this morning to test the ankle. I didn't go too far and I didn't go too fast. The ankle held up pretty well, I had it strapped up so that its range of motion was limited to a forward and back motion but not side to side.

My long term goal is to run the Windermere Marathon in 2014 and every run from now and every cross training session is being banked against this. As it wasn't raining, I decided to stretch out in the garden and I saw the wee pot with a daffodil bulb in it that daughter number 1 had been given months ago by the nursery when she was learning about seasons. This got me thinking that planting bulbs is a bit like training for a marathon. If I had a large field, I could spend untold hours, days or months planting bulbs only for them to sit there unnoticed by everyone who passed until all of a sudden they bloomed. Then, all people would see is a field full of flowers but few would realise the work done just to create this one event. Well, from now on, I am going to think of all my runs and classes as me just planting bulbs until marathon day comes around and I can bloom.

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