Have Camera Will Travel

By cathy1947

Hotel window day 2

 Ireland day 2.

Our arrival at Manchester Airport ran smoothly but having to wear a mask for the flight was quite an ordeal.

1 hour later we touched down at Shannon and proceeded to the car rental office, we collected the keys and went to find the car, we loaded all the luggage  took photos of the bumps and dents then entered our destination into the sat nav only to find the battery was flat, upgrade later and more photos - we are off.

We headed North West towards the Cliffs of Moher, passing some beautiful houses on the way (no shortage of money here) the road sides were ablaze with the orange of Montbretia and the hedgerows full of bush fuchsias. 

Finally arriving at the Cliffs of Moher  where we went to the visitor’s centre , leaving there we walked along the cliff top to the old observation point of O’Brien’s tower to take in the views then we headed on to look at the rock formation called the Stack.

Back in the car we headed North to Doolin to visit the caves on arrival we were supplied with hard hats before descending down 125 steps to a chamber below where we were amazed by the third largest stalactite in the world, 

Leaving Doolin we started our journey towards Limerick and on the way we stopped off at Poulnabrone dolmen to see one of the most photographed Megaliths in all of Ireland. Onwards we turned a corner to see the magnificent ruins of Lemeneagh Castle. 

Finally we arrive at our hotel In Limerick which overlooks  the beautiful river Shannon.

Hope you have  enjoyed our day as much as us.

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