
By seddon


Today me Thomas and Chloe made our first venture out to the shops as they both needed their feet measured, Thomas for school shoes, Chloe because she's not had them measured for ages and last time they didn't register on the measuring chart!
We had booked an appointment at clarks so got to line up in the smaller queue - the other one was huge!! Thomas's feet haven't grown too much, but he picked some new school shoes. Chloe's feet now register on the measure and we chose her some new trainers too.
This evening Thomas had a football match at power league - he had quite the little fan club too - me, Ben, Chloe, grandma, grandad, uncle marmoo, nannie and grandpa! After his match (they lost, but it was much closer than the last match they played) they had an impromptu presentation evening seeing as the proper one was cancelled by covid - he's so proud of his trophy! It's so nice seeing him get back to some semblance of a normal childhood.

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