
By seddon

Best big brother

Tracey and dave came round to watch Thomas and Chloe this afternoon whilst I had to go to the dentist as I broke one of my teeth on Sunday - it wasn't causing me any pain, was just a little bit sharp, but thought I better get booked in before it got worse.
It was an interesting trip out, greeted by a receptionist at the bottom of the stairs in PPE who made sure I was wearing my mask, gave me some hand gel, took my temperature and instructed me not to touch anything on my way upstairs!
My dentist had a quick look and put a temporary 'dressing' on it - couldn't say it was a filling as that would be classed as aerosol generating and would have needed a separate appointment with full PPE, and they aren't being done in general yet.
This evening Thomas was super helpful, he set the table for tea, and then after tea he fed Chloe her soy yoghurt for her pudding. In between spoonfuls she shouted 'momas, more!'
Auntie Rachel called round this evening to do a doorstep drop off of some goodies from kids club for Thomas and Chloe. They loved seeing her, even if it was from a distance!

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