
By seddon


This morning after daddy had gone to work, me, mummy and Thomas went to the shops to get some bits for lunch.
Aunt sal, abbie and Ella came round for lunch and then the girls and Thomas played for afew hours while I had a snooze and the kicked on my mat. We went to the park this afternoon and I had a go on the swings - abbie helped to push me.
When we got home daddy was already back from work and played the watermelon game in the garden with Thomas, abbie and Ella. They all got soaked!
This evening after aunt sal and the girls had gone home, mummy fed me my first tastes. I sat in my high chair and got very excited when I saw the spoon. But I wasn't keen on the carrot puree mummy had made for me!!! I pulled lots of funny faces and kept spitting it out!

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