Three peaks

Jen had invited me for a walk up Nescliffe with her before she started work for the day today. Normally a 7am start would be absolutely fine for me as I’ve usually already been up for about a hundred hours but this morning I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed. I dragged myself out though and had a lovely time.

The only problem was that Jen only had an hour, which meant that I was back home...dressed, breakfasted and ready for the day by 8am. I decided I might as well make the most of it and head back out. I did Caer Caradoc, which is always a treat and then came back over Hope Bowdler, which was a new one for me.

The views out over Shropshire today were just breathtaking. I hope I never tire of this place and all the wonderful things there are to see and do.

Grace and I did our final ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ dinner date this evening which was utterly delightful apart from walking back through the Quarry at 9pm in darkness. The drawing in of the nights is totally depressing.

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