Chrissie da Donkey

Breezy now and again today, some fine sunny spells now and again, and then the odd shower. It's been a cooler day, winds from the north.

A fine lazy Sunday morning around the house. Headed out walkies with friend Julie this afternoon. We were heading up the road to Fitful Head, and met Mansie Burgess on the way. We spoke for about an hour, and he told terrible stories about how folk have been abusing his land during lockdown. Folk letting dogs off leads, scaring sheep towards the cliffs, sheep with broken bones, even a sheep run over, folk driving up the private road and ignoring signs, and six lambs pinched in the back of a van. As he knows our families, he said to go on with our walk, but we turned around, and headed back. I wouldn't want to cause him anymore unnecessary stress. Shame folk have to ruin things for others. A quiet evening, more walkies with Sammy, and then I was spotted by best friend Tam and family, who are up for a holiday seeing his parents. Feet up now.

After leaving the hill road walk, we headed back to the car, and we greeted by these donkeys. I have blipped them a few times now. We tried to get them to come over, no joy, but the owner passed by, and told us to head into the field with them. They soon came up for a cuddle, and super soft. This is Chrissie, she's a lovely lass, and love those big ears she has, the other donkeyis Dimples. Taken at Hillwell, Dunrossness.

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