A Peerie Purl ida Tatties

A beautiful sunny morning. By noon, it was heavy showers, but they soon cleared, and a mostly sunny day. Bit of cloud tonight.

A day working in the museum. It's been a fairly quiet day, which was fine. Out walkies with friend Julie and the dogs this evening, and then mam and dad popped by for a cuppa. Off to work in the pub later.

After work, I headed out into the garden. One job was to have a peerie purl in the tattie patch, to see what I could find. I dug up four sets of tatties, and wasn't expecting much, as they seemed to be all show. Unexpectedly, I had a great haul for the four. They were mostly old tatties that had sprouted just before lockdown, so a big variety. I do have some Shetland Blacks to dig up soon. Washed, cooked and had them with steak for tea, and they were the good. Taken at home, Hawthorn Cottage, Houl Road, Scalloway.

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