Swimmers' Log Book



The island was sad to see us go and rained a tear or two this morning, so we jumped in the pool for a swim. Dom and Sven came over just as the rain stopped, and together we completed yesterday’s paddle around the island. Joe and I teamed up, Dom and Chloe took another, and Heidi and Sven were the crazy team! (Joe did more than his fair share of the paddling as I was busy taking photos and videos!)
We were just about to start a second lap around when we were called in because of the worsening weather. Things got very blowy, so we showered and sheltered at the lobby to play Dobble and eat.
The skies soon cleared and we had our last bit of sun before saying goodbye to Dom, Sven and the Island.
All good things must come to an end! I still can’t quite believe we made it over in the first place- we were very lucky and certainly made the most of it! Another great Dobb holiday done. Thank you family for the awesome memories!

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