Swimmers' Log Book



Today’s view. I love that there are so many different spots to set up camp here. All I could hear was the sound of waves hitting the rocks. The kids were off around the other side of the island with their Croatian buddies. I puzzled, read, snorkelled, dozed, drank beer and ate ice cream.

Thought the impeding storm might put paid to our plan to kayak today, but the waves seemed to die down at around five, so I met the kids but by the time we were in a boat the sports team were concerned about the rapidly advancing clouds, so we just paddled near the dock for a short while. Still nice to get on the water, even briefly. Hopefully we’ll make it around the isle tomorrow morning, before our flight home.

Back at the villa we made a start on packing, downed the last of the gin, then down for our last dinner. Pork, chips, corn on the cob and a lovely salad that went on forever. Last glass of Merlot. Then one of the waiters that Chloe and Heidi have been eying up all week came over with a round of shots for us all! It felt rude not to!
In my tipsy state, Heidi and I legged it to catch the end of the mini-disco, just in time for Fliegerlied!
Heut’ ist so ein schöner Tag!!!

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