
By FarmerGirl

Blipping Good Friends

Ten committed blippers meet at the famous meeting house frequented Kiwilizzie and TeeJay, at the Red Barn Café, just outside Murchison. Paladian and Rower 2012 came from Adelaide, AmblingCamera and Lizimagiz both from Blenheim, Sea Gypsy49 from the Marlborough Sounds, TMLHereAndThere from Nelson, and Bluemerle, Kiwilizzie, TeeJay and myself from Murchison.

We had a few of the customers at the Red Barn looking at us with all our cameras and impressive lenses, and one man from Germany who actually came over and took a photo or two of us all. We told him about blipfoto, and Paladian wrote down the website for him to have a look at. Hopefully he will become a future blip member!

It was great meeting up with everyone, having lunch together, and have a general session on camera bits and bobs. Thank you everyone for making the effort to travel to Murchison - it was fantastic to put names to faces!

In the photo, back row from left to right:-

Bluemerle, Paladian, AmblingCamera, Kiwilizzie, SeaGypsy49, TMLHereAndThere, Rower2012.
Front row:- Lizimagiz (standing), TeeJay and myself (sittting)

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