T turned 14 today.....and here he is jumping for joy! I asked him if he would come down to the woolshed, have some photo's taken, so I can pick one to be my photo for the day. He didn't hesitate for a moment.

It's hard to believe that 14 years have past since T's birth. He was 2 weeks overdue....had to be induced.....and was overcooked. He had flakey dry skin, and his poor feet were bent up to his legs as he had run out of room to grow. Once born, we had to massage both feet, so they weren't so bent.

T's been a joy to watch grow and mature over the past 14 years. He's a very 'hands on' young man, very creative in the workshop, building (and fixing) things.

I'm proud of you T...and don't you forget it.

This is T one year ago. It's amazing how he has changed in the past 12 months!

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