V J Day

We took mum for a trip out to Bexhill this morning and parked Bertie up along the seafront where we could park sideways on the road where there's a grassy area between the road and the beach. It meant we could put the awning up and have a picnic in our own self contained area with a view out to the sea.

We had a stroll along the prom when we got there and although it was grey and there was fine drizzle, it was warm and quite pleasant. We happened to time our walk quite well and came across the wreath laying for VJ Day, so we stood and watched, and this guy played the bagpipes.

We got back to Bertie just after midday and Kate joined us for lunch - she'd very kindly bought me a rainbow mask to match my rainbow brolly, which you can see in her Blip. She also made mum a lovely little suncatcher to hang in her window. 

We spent a lovely a few hours just chatting and watching the world pass by, with a few people stopping to asking about the awning, and then we had another stroll up to the ice cream van and mum treated us all to ice creams.  It was a lovely, relaxing day, but I think the sea air wiped us all out as we've all been very tired tonight!  

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