
By Mindseye

Flower Girl

Could not get to sleep last night...still awake at 2....alarm set just after 8, so not the brightest button today.

Went into Manchester this morning for my dental check up.....originally I had planned to go alone, but hub decided he'd join me. The traffic was quiet, the car park almost empty! £5 for 24 hours, thats more like it! As I was driving into the space I chose......slowly edging forward towards a big concrete post, waiting for the sensors to start beeping......only they b****y didnt, so I nudged the post :-/ and it didn't catch the bumper either so has taken the paint off a little, the air was blue, I was so mad!!

After that little fracas we then couldnt find our ticket from the barrier when we entered. Searched high & low....I honestly thought Id handed it to hub as usual, as I tend to drive, but neither of us could be certain. Off to the office, not a soul to be found....so we headed to the dentists otherwise I would have been late, having been very early!

The dentist was all geared up, didn't have to wait too long....all well, apart from my wobby tooth, which I have had for best part of 12 months, needs to come out now :-/. Another appointment to attend. An old fashioned scrap and polish, without the ultrasonic, to finish.

Met hub outside afterwards, we had a walk around Spinningfields, which was pretty deserted....then went into Neros for a coffee as the Costa we normally go to wasnt open.

Back to the car park, another look,around, no ticket, can't exit without a ticket, so had to press the buzzer and talk to "the man". I told him we arrived at 10.30am. He informed us that lost tickets are charged at the daily rate....phew, that was lucky, currently £5!

Well actually no! He said let me calcualte the charge...that will be £25.50!!!! I said you are joking, its currently £5 for 24 hours, thats ridiculous & I am not paying that, its extortionate!!!! Think he was a bit shocked, but he then asked for our reg. no. and said he would look to see if he could see the vehicle entering the car park....and sure enough there we were at 10.26 am, so that will be £7.70 please. I was happy to pay a little extra having lost our ticket...but not +£20! The nerve of NCP...they have the facility to check when you entered but don't offer that first just in case you roll over and cough up........can you tell I was seething!!!!!!!!

Drove home in the rain....... we decided to stop off at Bents Garden Centre to get a bite to eat...another bad decision! We queued up outside, probably for 15/20 mins, we got to almost the front of the queue, when the man on the door called out "just to let you know if you are going into the cafe, there is another 1 hours queue inside"!!! We went in, spent 15 minutes wandering around and came out again!! Ended up in Costa near home with a coffee and a bacon roll!!

Had to dash for it we got home, proper throwing it down! Did my nails this afternoon, whilst sat catching up on social media ;-)

Dinner tonight has been duck leg on top of chowmein style noodles, with a katsu vegetable curry.

Weighed in this morning, maintained this week....but thats ok, as we have been out a couple of times. Still 3lbs to,go.

Todays blip is a bit of a cheat to be honest, I took this picture of our friend Barbara last Friday when we called to see her and hub Derrick. We, together with our other friends bought her those flowers for her 80th Birthday, which is actually today. I sure hope I look that good at 80! Happy Birthday Barbara.

Think I have just about calmed down now ;-)
Hope you're all being good and safe

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