Far Infra Red (MM341)

A day of mixed fortunes in that we set off for Stratford this morning omitting to check the shop I wanted to visit was actually open on a Monday - it wasn't!  At least the town was relatively quiet, the sun was shining and Mr Sunak's eat out to help out 50% off support was doing some good for the coffee shops & cafes.   Gill found a knife she wanted in the Lakeland shop so all was not lost :-)  The people we did see looked to be buying things in the shops which is a good thing.  Several of the cafes and coffee shops have seating out on the now widened footpaths,  I do hope the local council can find a way to keep that going.

A while ago, our son had a lengthy period of flu like symptoms which went through his office colleagues in late February/early March.  His girlfriend looked after him for a while and as she is a hospital registrar, has recently had an antibody test:  result negative!  This was a major surprise as now the symptoms of C-19 are better understood, Stuart and his colleagues are all convinced they had the full spread.   The measures his employers have put in place are impressive - I appreciate a software company ought to be able to organise a hybrid work from home set-up, but they really have done a lot to keep their staff safe.  It would be good to see the Government use some of this as an example of how it can be made to work.

In the afternoon we put the bikes on the carrier so we could measure up some fabric Gill has bought to make a cover for when they are on the back of the motorhome.  They fit onto the carrier well, but it does need the inside bike to be in the right place to be sure they fit evenly across the width and a little of each bike is visible in the mirrors as a reminder they are there.    I took a couple of photos as a reminder.

Mono Monday's theme is Fur or Fir and for some reason I read Fir as F.I.R. and thought - I'm sure that should mean something - actually - it can stand for quite a lot.  I have gone for Far Infra Red and footered about to get an infra red look to the image.

Alternatively, that is far too many words to say: I couldn't think of a dog or cat I could borrow and I don't know of any fir trees in the village!

Thanks to Chantler63 for hosting Mono Monday.

Thanks for the response to my blip birthday are in Sunday's back blipped image.

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