ICM and Thank You

At something of a loose end and with nothing promising appearing in the sky I thought I would try ICM on a tree we staked in the railway cutting this afternoon.  When we took out some of the fallen and diseased trees we found one bent over under the weight of fallen branches.  It looks to be ok, but had not sprung back upright so this afternoon we bought a tree stake* and gave it a little assistance and/or encouragement.  It turns out to be a side shoot, sprouting from a long fallen tree, so perhaps it has a strong survival instinct and will do well.  We don't think it is an ash so it should avoid the dieback which is advancing along the line of the old railway.

Thanks to everyone who visited, commented, stared and favourited my blip birthday effort of yesterday - up on the top row of the popular page which is a rarity for me so thank you all.

* it is not possible to go to a garden centre with Gill and return with only one item - but I'm sure you get the idea :-)

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