Number Nine

Bob came up rot Kirkby Lonsdale, this afternoon, with his friend, Paul, whom I'd also consider friend although I only ever see him via Bob. It was a nice day so we took a stroll down to Devil's Bridge, along the river, and back through the rugby club, before settling down for a mid-afternoon pint at The Orange Tree.

Bob had a piece to record for The Anfield Wrap podcast - he is an absolute expert on Liverpool FC - so I popped up to the house for an hour to check in with work before we reconvened at Number Nine.

If there has been a silver lining to the lockdown for bars and restaurants, it's that it has given them a chance to do a bit of refurbishment without having to lose income through closing. I also get that it will have taken some stones for people to take advantage of that; the natural desire must have been to hunker down and sit on their working capital. 

Number Nine have clearly taken the bolder route and their garden was looking lovely as we settled in there. There was no chance of a table for dining, though, nor at any of the other places we tried: as a tourist spot, Kirkby Lonsdale is clearly benefitting from the corona-inspired 'staycationing'.

In the end, though, we ended up at the curry house, which seemed like a perfectly acceptable result to me!

-11.5 kgs

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