A Day In The Life

By Irish59

You Know You’re a Birder When...

1/ Your spouse says “It’s either me or the birds” and you have to think about it.

2/ You spend 15 minutes preparing dinner for your family, and 30 minutes mixing and placing seed for your birds.

3/ Someone yells “Duck” and you look up and shout “Where?”

Thanks to Birding World for sharing these humorous tips that confirm if you are a birder, or not • I’ve always enjoyed feeding birds and attracting them to my yard, but being a bird watcher was born from retirement • Having the time to seek, listen and learn; adding the right tools to grow my new hobby, ie binoculars and a camera; needing more bird identification books. Now I use Blip and Instagram to see more birds and learn from other birders, most more experienced than I am • It’s definitely a passion and the reason I enjoy sharing my bird photos, like this Nuthatch, also called “upside down” bird because it’s the only bird that travels up and down trees and feeders, headfirst • It’s Happy Hour Thursday with friends from CT and TX. Sadly, they are not birders but we do share many other interests. Cheers, Everyone!

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