The Work Is Never Done
I spent some time in my garden today. After Mrs. P did some weeding and nursed along the world’s tiniest broccoli seedlings, I gave everyone a big, long, refreshing drink. The lawn got mowed too, looking trim for the weekend • Without pollinators our food supply would be zilch. It’s scary to think about, really. In my little garden patch, the success of the harvest is dependent on the pollination of the plants • I watched this bee move from flower to flower on our grape tomato plant. Tomatoes actually don’t need pollinators to grow fruit but the yields will be much greater if they do; squash plants are different, they require pollination or they won’t produce • Bees are not the only pollinators, included in that group here in Maine are butterflies, moths, flies, beetles and hummingbirds • Everyday I observe the bees busy in my yard, and I am grateful to have them • Bee well my Blip friends!
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