
By TBay

Cattle gently grazing.

Today there was lots going on. Mrs Tbay Jnr is back at work, doing so from home, so I had Little Miss and Harry. Joint effort as always between us! At lunch time Little Miss was whisked away to school for the afternoon. Big deal as this is her first so contact with outsiders for 4 months. She was rather worried about it but was full of it when she returned along with a glowing end of year report!

Farming - Two on compost hauling. Raking, baling and hauling hay and our hay in before the rain started. 

I took Harry for a very slow ride in the car around the fields this afternoon taking in a good bit a wild life and lots of wild flowers too. These cattle were across the river just studying us, enjoying a lazy afternoon of grazing! A very peaceful rural sight!

We have just entered week 16 of lockdown. 

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