The Worker.

Where we sit outside for coffee etc there are two large clumps of Oregano which are bursting into flower. The bees and a variety of other nectar loving insect are enjoying this harvest. I just love to sit and watch them and listen to the lovely buzz they make. 

The weather has once more returned to summer! No idea for how long but the old adage make hay when the sun shines is currently being adhered to! 

Farming -  All go on the hay and haylage making front. We have cut all the grass here at home and have managed to get it all baled or wrapped by this evening. Always very satisfying.

On the subject of hay making I remembered when I was working on a dairy farm in the mid 70’s they did not make silage so all winter forage was hay. This  seemed a never ending process and I suppose we made thousands of bales all being loaded onto trailers and off loaded and stacked by hand. It is no wonder I was an awful lot thinner and fitter then. It was hard work though. Better than dealing with stooking I suppose or cutting and turning the hay by hand!! Ah, the good old days!

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